Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Future is Bright!

Preschool was full of excitement this week with our new theme of Community Helpers and field trips! We learned a lot about caring for ourselves, caring for others, who to see in certain emergencies, and what you may or may not use inside your mouth….

We started our Monday with a fun experiment showing how the effects of different drinks, sugar, and food  can harm our teeth if we do not properly care for them by brushing and flossing in the morning and at night. For this experiment we set up 4 eggs (3 were hard-boiled) in 4 different solutions: pop, coffee, grape juice, and vinegar. We left them overnight and then got to try brushing the stains off of the eggs on Tuesday to see how difficult it can be to reverse the effects of staining and not brushing before bed. All of the eggs stained, the egg in the grape juice was rough with sugar, and the raw egg actually turned soft and squishy like a bouncy ball! We therefore determined: 1) "My brother's teeth are going to fall out and rot cause he neeeeeever brushes his teeth!" 2) "My mom's teeth look like the egg in the coffee" (which none of my parent's teeth actually do ha!) 3) "I'm never drinking that stuff again!" All the kids brushed that night :) 

Brushing the stains from the eggs

Our first field trip of the week was on Wednesday, which we got to spend at the Fire Station which was "the best day ever!" The kids got to try on all of the fireman's gear, which was very comical, and even crawl around the fire trucks, which I had a hard time getting them out of after.
Checking out the fire trucks! 
They had a pretty great time and may even have some future firefighters on our hands! Which leads me to my special question of the week, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We discussed many different community helpers and then got to share. I got a lot of nice answers such as a doctor, teacher, or farmer. Then I got some unexpected and made up answers :)…a doctrinarian because she wants to work on both people and animals (A+ for creativity!), a bull rider, a policeman because "only guys can be policemen and so they need a lot" (yes we discussed this one more ha), and my favorite "I just want to be IRISH!!" Lol

Our second field trip of the week was down the street to the dentist. Here the students got to practice brushing with a large set of model teeth and a large toothbrush, explore the dentist office, and discuss the tools we use in our mouths at home and at the dentist. Now I'm not sure who the culprit was, but after some fun questions or statements, "If you don't brush your teeth, when you get older like an adult they will rot and die and fall out!" we got on the subject of using hammers as toothbrushes. I believe the statement was "I use a hammer in my mouth when I need to brush my teeth." Well the next 7 questions or statements then had to deal with a hammer of course! Eventually we determined hammers are not used inside our mouths and finally got back on track to finish our trip.
Learning how to brush!
Overall, our week was very fun and new. We learned some new games (red light, green light) made doctor kits, practiced flossing our teeth, Stop-Dropped-and Rolled, and received a brand new toothbrush. It was a success and filled with many memories and funnies. To end, I'm going to share a few pics, along with some cute quotes! :) 
Teeth flossing model

Art: Doctor Kit

Spraying out the number flames 

"Mommy has sewing on her back cause she got hurt" (stitches :) )

"Once I was in the sea and we hopped in a boat and a shark tipped us over, but I hanged on and swam to shore" 

"One time I was buying a horse and it got into my house and got in the bathtub and swimmed around and then dug a hole in my front yard so daddy had to fill it in with dirt with his tractor and now we have lots of fun grass, its really great" 

"My dog had to get a cast around his throat cause my dad cut it open"

"My dad hit my dog with a pick up" Upon which I asked "I thought you said last week your dog got hit by a horse?" "Uh…... ya it did this is a different one, I have 88 dogs and my moms gonna buy me more"  (Haha good luck mom ;) ) 

To practice our red light green light game I've used stop and go street signs. Well when the kids decide not to stop I said they have to go to jail and then pay their ticket for running the stop sign so they sit out for one turn.
"Miss Cronin, I'm gonna go to jail again, I really like going to jail" …..Ha oops!! 

Thanks for stopping  :) 

Miss Cronin

P.S. Thank you to all my helpers, drivers, and photographer throughout this week, you were all a great help!

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