Friday, September 12, 2014

Perspective of a Preschooler

Perspective is a special gift that each of us develops through experiences, time, and knowledge. It allows us to look at the exact same thing as the person next to us, but with an entirely different view point or outcome. Perspective has been a fun concept for me to re-develop this week in terms of a preschooler :) 

Perspective #1 
When you were growing up did your mom or dad do certain things for you that eventually became routine or expected? For example, cutting the crust off of your sandwiches, handing you the unwrapped straw to your juice box, the fact that pizza actually comes in other flavors besides cheese and extra cheese. Until you are shown something or see if for yourself you are unaware of any other way. Our experiences help us build on what we knew, what we know, and what we will eventually know. 

This week our snack of red apples became quite the chore to eat as over half of my kiddos sat there and stared at their apple waiting for Miss Cronin to peel it because you CAN NOT eat the skin. I even heard it was "poisonous." Well, after several minutes of them grasping the concept that they eat the apple or get no snack I had some very entertaining outcomes. Most students decided to just suffer through and eat the skin, another decided to use their straw to dig holes into the apple, and my favorite was ripping pieces off with her finger nails or taking small bites and spitting them out so she could get to the "real part." (See below) Let's just say snack took a little longer than expected that day and we each gained a new perspective on eating apples!

Perspective #2
Finger painting. Yikes. I had planned and thought out every situation to make this day go smoothly, with as few incidents as possible….or so I thought. 
The minute a preschoolers hands touch the bright wet paint, all rules go out the window. The excitement that overtakes them is hard to control and think reasonably when all they can picture is what would look better with orange, blue, or red paint on it. Turns out the bathroom stalls were the winner this Wednesday! And yes I said stalls…along with the fun trail of blue paint and green thumbprints that led me to my first handprint and then my second…third…..and fourth handprint.  
I do have to admit, after the shock of seeing the bathroom, breathing, and remembering I did in fact use washable paint (some of my pre-planning was put to good use), I did giggle. When confronting the culprits, I was told the bathroom was too white. Makes sense, in the eyes of a preschooler, so they were just trying to help me decorate ;) 
After all was said and done our pictures turned out great and I think the purpose really stuck. To make new friends and get to know each other. 

Perspective #3
This week we began learning about sentences and how we build them with words. Surprisingly and happily this did not take long for them to catch on. We used linking cubes and a ten frame to help us build sentences with our words and then counted how many words made up our sentences. While this was hard to me to understand a preschooler's perpective on the cubes, words, and sentences, they answered all of my questions correctly and eventually were ready to build their own sentences! I then started calling on volunteers for sentences that we could build. This is where it got entertaining. 
Sentence #1 I love my mom and my dad and my sister. (not too hard)
               #2 My brother likes to bite me.
               #3 My brother and my dog bite me.
               #4 My dog died.
               #5 My dog got hit by a horse.

One track mind. Haha 

Some other fun facts I learned this week is that anytime I try to tell someone to do something I turn it into a song or chant before I can realize where I am. "Everybody shag the balls, shag the balls, shag the balls, everybody shag the balls, put them in the cart." Yes, a little embarrassing at times! 
I also learned that I am between 50 and 68,000 years old. Ha! But they also give the best compliments I've ever gotten, sometimes I think they try to outdo each other. In this week I was told I have the best boots they've ever seen, my makeup is beautiful, they love my silver "ear bells," and my hair is so pretty when I wear it down. Lol

"If plan A doesn't work, remember the alphabet has 25 more letters." 

Growing and Learning Each Day in Pre-K,
Miss Cronin

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