Friday, September 5, 2014

Four Year Old Funnies

Week 1 of Preschool has come to an end today, and even though I may be the teacher, there are many new things I learned in this short week :).

First off, never assume anything and always be specific, VERY specific. (This is applied in many areas throughout the week haha) When telling a preschooler to line up at the door, do not assume they know what a line is, or even what door you are referring to. They actually might think they can choose any door to line up at...the classroom door, the playroom door, the bathroom door. They will then be confused as to why Miss Cronin is asking "Where are you headed??" and in turn come back with a correct answer of "well the door" of course. 

Preschoolers also love to share their many stories, which is why I thought our question of the week may be a fun one for them. "Can you share something special about yourself?" Way too broad of a question. Therefore, I decided to give an example and said, "I have a puppy named Charlie." 
Problem: 1. They need more than one example.  
Problem 2. Don't assume you didn't just change the conversation entirely when you brought up your dog.
Our special share time turned into who has a dead dog and when he died. Surprisingly, no one was upset about their dog passing, but they were not going to miss the chance to tell everyone! I even had one student make up that she had two dogs, named Peaches and BoBo, so that she could be part of the conversation. However, she was busted when her sister called her out on it! Ha 
And yes, you may be wondering why I didn't change the subject or move on to something new. Well, preschoolers have a one track mind most of the time, so when simply asked "Why don't you share with us your favorite color?" I would recieve a color and then a story about their dead dog as well. Again, be specific. 

Secondly, the word "potty" is a dangerous word that WILL spread like wildfire. Once the word is mentioned just be prepared to lose the next 15 min of classtime so that everyone may take a bathroom and drink break. After the second day I learned when to plan the potty break (immediately before circle time). Even if they "don't have to go" they will once their bottom touches the circle rug and they realize free time has ended.
P.S. "Snack Time" can also can this same fun effect. 

Next, Preschoolers love to overexaggerate. Most of the time this is hillarious, such as the 55 kids we have in our room (actually 15), or the 33 miles we walked to the park, or the "15 million" misquito bites that they have on their legs that appear in the middle of the night, rip open, and bleed everywhere. However, every now and then it can be a bit of a problem. Such as when that one kid just tapped you to get you to stop moving your feet under the table, but to the one that got "tapped," you suddenly took a full out sucker punch to the arm that just about knocked you off your chair! (I did actually see this one happen and it was quite comical to see the viewpoints of what actually happened and what story they came up with)

Finally, if you're ever having a bad day, a Preschool is the best place to be. Their smiles can light up my windowless room, their giggles warm the heart, and they always give the best hugs. :) As challenging and unexpected as this new role has been in the few short weeks I've had to prepare, there is nowhere else I'd rather be. Sometimes God has a funny way of putting (little) people in your life that need you as much as you need them.

"You learn something everyday, IF you pay attention" -Ray LeBond

Until Next Time, 
Miss Cronin

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