Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apples Gone Wild

Week 3 was an exciting time in Pre-K as we learned about apples, the letter B (Mr. B Beautiful Buttons!) , the number 2, the color green, and boyfriends...

Before I get into the boyfriends and dates ;) , I would like to share a few of the fun things we did this week that sometimes always don't make our newsletter let alone out of the classroom door. Sometimes the only thing that happened at preschool according to them is that we got Cheetos and Diet Coke for snack, "just like my mom eats!" (puffcorn and Welches grape juice in a can was the real treat) haha but occasionally that's the most important part of their day accoridng to them, and sometimes that's ok, especially if it had nothing to do with biting, kicking, hitting, turning from a green apple to a red or yellow one on our behavior chart, or bloody noses! So here was our week in a nut shell and some things we all learned (myself included)  :)

1) On Tuesday we made apple soda play dough, which turned out to be more of a foam (but was still very fun!) We used baking soda and green apple conditioner for this one.
    -Foam playdough is great to cover your hands in and flick them back and forth really fast!
    -It comes off of your clothes pretty easily (so of course we should put it there)
    -You can make handprints on the bathroom walls with this stuff too!

2) On Wednesday we made applesauce all together in a crockpot and let it cook overnight to try it the next day.  
   -If the apples turn brown we can still eat them
   -Looks like the what they use to make apple fritter with (Was then asked if we were going to make donuts too because that would be soooo much cooler!)
   -Smells great but kind of looks like chunky throw up (yes, made my appetite jump way up too!)
   -And about 7 students loved it and asked for 2nd and 3rd helpings

 2) On Friday we made apple volcanos which was very exciting, even for me! To prepare I cored out the inside of about 9 apples. The kids then got to prepare them by putting baking soda in the bottom of each apple and then mixing together in a cup white vinegar, dawn dish soap, green apple shampoo, and a little bit of green dye. They each then got to pour the mixture into one of the apples and watch the reaction between the baking soda and our mixture as it fizzed, foamed, and overflowed.
    -Turns out white vinegar also smells like throw up (I know a lot of throw up talk this week!?)
    -Its fun to pick up foaming apples and slam them down to see what happens....
The kids then had to wash their hands a few at a time while I cleaned up our station and prepared for the next group. As I was doing so, I heard some shuffling and grunting coming from the bathroom so I  stopped to go see what was taking so long and found 3 of my clever little thinkers trying to solve the high paper towels problem. They were using each other as stairs to reach the top of the paper towels rack as they decided they are "strong enough" to get it themselves! The image of these 3 piled on top of each other one holding a foot and the other on all fours was extremely amusing, so before explaining why this was a bad idea, I had to turn around for a minute to collect myself and then tell them they should ask for help to reach it otherwise they may end up falling and hurting one another. I do give them an A for effort though!! Ha!

3) Every week we have 6 concept words to review that most students have heard of and used before and then 6 amazing words that are often new or used less frequently. Well this week one of our words was give. The picture on the front of this card was of a little boy giving a little girl a rose. Well this was pretty entertaining as previously in the week the boys and girls found out that "Miiiiissssss Croooooonin has a Booooooooyfriend" Long story short I was given some old cars and farm animals for our playroom by Jayden, which of course they asked where they came from all of the sudden, so upon hearing the word boyfriend they all cracked up for a few minutes and rolled around on the floor like it was the funniest thing they've heard all year. Pretty entertaining :) Well when seeing this card I then got to hear about some other fun stories:
- My brother gave a girl a bunch of flowers and now they like each other and they are going on a date this week and he's taking her to Subway!
- Daaaaaaniel said he's taking me on a date sometime and we're going to get ice cream (followed by about 3 minutes of wide eyed smiles) Im guessing this one can be pegged pretty easily ;)
- My grandpa said he's taking me on a date to get ice cream if I learn how to wipe right! (My favorite one) haha

Hope you enjoyed another Sunny Day, and thanks for all the apples (7 different kinds!) I also apologize to all the parents that may now have apple farmers on their hands as they all have decided they are going to plant seeds to start apple trees lol, but I'll leave you with a few more fun quotes from my littles-

"Miss Cronin, my dad drives a truck just like this! It's a garbage truck" (Actually a semi lol)

"My dad got our tractor stuck in mud once and it took firty-nine tow trucks to pull him out!"

"I'm going to be a Candy girl for Halloween and my dress is going to have candy on it"
"Yaaaaah so we can eat her!!"

"This one time I was riding my bike and then it started raining and my sisters bike went in a puddle and then a biiiiiiiiig tornado came down and sucked up this apple tree and I said nooo baby no we need to home! But she didn't listen"

"One time I was in a tornado and a cat fell on my head"

:) Happy Saturday,
Miss Cronin

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