Sunday, October 19, 2014

Silly Surprises

Week 7 was filled with many questions and fun discussions on our feelings and emotions. We learned how to express ourselves appropriately and how sometimes its ok to feel scared, angry, sad, and even silly, which was how most of our discussions turned out to be!

On Monday we got to meet a new letter person Miss F Funny Feet and discuss some things that confuse us. These were a few of the answers I received:
"Airplanes" (Great answer for a 4 year old, they can be quite confusing!)
"When my dad is silly" :)
"Kissing dogs on the lips" (Haha this one got a few laughs!)

On Tuesday we discussed what we do when we are scared and who can help us if we are afraid.
"Crawl into mom and dads bed and hide under the covers!"
"I don't get scared, I just go out and sit on the couch and watch TV when everyone is sleeping"
Upon which I which I asked if he eats a midnight snack too, which opened up a whole other bag of chips (or Cheetos I should say….)
"When I'm scared I just stick Cheetos in my underwear!"
"I put on my dad's underwear and stick pizza in them!"
I had no words for the last comments as everyone was swallowed up with giggles! So on that note, I ended our quite silly conversation!

On Wednesday I decided to focus our art on the letter F. Before our art, we sang the song "5 Little Speckled Frogs" and reviewed our numbers from the past few weeks. Then we made our own little speckled frogs! The black people as some of them look, were supposed to be flies….apparently flies look like tiny humans to 4 year olds! :)


 We ended our week with some play dough and mirrors to help us learn more about our expressions. Play dough face mats were used to show different emotions and we also got to make faces in the mirror and then chose one to draw in their journals! Very exciting for them and entertaining for me as I watched them explore and discover new things!

 Finally, to end off our Week 7 the preschoolers got to enjoy some scary snacks from one of the students and they had a lot of fun playing and eating them! Here was our Friday snack, mummy juice boxes and eyeball cookies :)

 Enjoy your week and make it a sunny one!
Miss Cronin

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