Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Cheese Stands Alone!

The past two weeks have been an exciting time in our room learning all about the farm, tractors, crops, and animals. While I've been teaching my little turkeys quite a few things I have found out some useful information as well :)

Last week was our introduction to the farm and useful tools and jobs that farmers have and what they can produce. We discussed many different crops and I was pleasantly surprised by how much they already know. When asked what kind of crops or food items we plant around this area (quite a big question, but thought it was worth a shot!) I received answers of corn, wheat, sunflowers, peas, and soybeans!

Our craft on Wednesday also had to do with crops as we made our own corn with bubble wrap! They turned out great and didn't even have too many kernels popped! ;)

To bridge last week into this week, which was focused on farm animals and why we raise them, we read the story Farmer in the Dell, which was a big hit! They were quite entertained and even requested that we act out the story :) So this past week I was busy putting together masks and outfits for our little game. It turned out great and we all had a blast trying different masks and acting like that animal as we sang the song.

This past week we really discussed a lot about what we use animals for and how you have to take care of them. From collecting eggs, to feeding pigs, to sheering sheep, and milking cows. Well discussing these chores and looking at books is quite a different feel than actually seeing something in person and experiencing it, so I made some models to let them see for themselves!

I split them into two group and with some latex gloves, milk, and cups, they got to see what its like to milk a cow! (PS the word utter is apparently hysterical to 4-5 year olds lol) The other group then sheered some sheep with a balloon, shaving cream, and wooden craft sticks. We had a sheep sheering contest! 

Our craft this week was quite time consuming, but they turned out very cute! Little turkeys for the Thanksgiving Holiday fast approaching

 Also, if you have time, be sure to stop and check out our November Family Project. This month they were asked to disguise a turkey to save it from being Thanksgiving dinner! They did such a fantastic job, and are very entertaining to see. We ended up with a few princesses, peacocks, soldiers, a mermaid, farmer, and even a bride, and many more!

Now for a few new things that I learned this week :)

 "Do farmers butcher their own pigs?" -Me
"No, Grandpa Jim does!!" :)

"My grandpa has red tractors, but I don't like them, only green tractors!"

"It's finally going to be Thanksgiving this month!! I've been waiting my whole life for this!" Haha!

"Don't drink too much coffee, especially at this age, it will stunt your growth" -me
"Ya! Like Alice in Wonderland, when she drinks the coffee she shrinked!!"

"I don't want to get married"
"Why not"
"Cause then I have to drive my wife to the hospital when she has a baby!"

"I want to drive cause then I can speeeeeeeeeed like my dad!!!"

Now most of the stories I get go a lot like this, just because they don't want to miss a beat to get a word in during circle time, even if they have nothing to say ;)
"Miss Cronin, one time I went somewhere with something…annnd there was someone there and they had….some treasure!"

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping!
Miss Cronin

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